SOCIAL MEDIA posts for 42 London

Instagram posts and stories


Network data visualization

The Master’s degree in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) allowed me to develop this project which is very dear to me. Basically, I built some scripts to download data from social networks and build relationship-based maps (or visualizations, or topologies…) to detect influencers, messages that propagate better online and how digital communities are formed about a theme.

I used this methodology to analyze the interactions between voters during the Brazilian presidential election in 2018 for seven straight months, with weekly reports. When elections are taken to social network platforms, there is a high level of entropy in the exchange of the messages, so the data visualization comes in handy to see the information fluxes and also to detect anomalies.

It has recently been confirmed that bots were key to elect the actual Brazilian president. Elsewhere in the world, message targetting and bots are said to play a major role in the American elections, for instance. This is why I find creating these maps of utmost importance..

Up-to-date maps can be seen at the project’s Facebook page:

Here are some examples:

  1. The finished product accompanying a 15-page report
  2. A raw image showing influence zones (delimited by semantic space)
  3. Bot detection (bots in red)

Portfolio: LS Brazil Outlook

For the London-based, digital marketing agency AJA Solutions, we have been publishing the newsletter “LS Brazil Outlook” to increase the visibility of the arbitration specialized Brazilian law firm Levy & Salomão. For this client, a tailor-made receivers list was created and throughout the past year we drove nearly one thousand qualified viewers to Levy & Salomão’s website.

Our themes are mostly about business and investiment opportunities in Brazil arising from changes in laws, government benefits etc. concerning a varienty of industries, such as oil & gas, energy, agribusiness and technology.

Here is an example of what is sent monthly to our audience. Should you like to subscribe, here is the link.

LS Brazil Outlook-example

Newsletter ApexBrasil

Executada sob contrato com a AJA Media Solutions, baseada em Londres, como parte da estratégia de comunicação da ApexBrasil na Anuga Messe 2015 em Colônia, na Alemanha. Formatos de saída: PDF (impresso para compor o media kit) e HTML (para envio de newsletter).

Download PDF


Site Law in Britain

A Law in Britain propõe cursos curtos, de uma ou duas semanas, na área de Direito, no campus da Universidade de Oxford e em Londres. O pedido foi para um site trilingue: Inglês, Português e Espanhol. O site antigo (feito pela foi refeito para valorizar não apenas a oferta de cursos – com depoimentos, datas, programas de curso, mas também para propor um convite para conhecer a cidade de Oxford. O conteúdo, composto de textos e fotos, foi produzido pela AJA Media Solutions.


Site Ralph Kemp

Site de e-commerce de roupas para o designer francês Ralph Kemp, baseado em Paris.Publicado em meados de 2014, com três fases de produção: uma página “em construção” para captar recursos por meio de financiamento participativo (crowdfunding pelo; home page com conteúdo editorializado; home page voltado para a vendas.


Entre Paris e São Paulo

Semestre produtivo, com projetos bacanas em dois continentes!